We offer many standard courses such as:

Newborn Resuscitation Program (NRP)
8th edition course for resuscitation of the newborn. Instructor-led event.

STABLE Program
7-8-hour long course focuses on stabilization and care of the sick newborn, post-resuscitation / pre-transport covering Sugar, Temperature, Airway, Blood Pressure, Labs, and Emotional Support.
STABLE Physical and Gestational Age Assessment Program – 4-hour long course reviewing Ballard scoring for gestational age assessment and physical examination of the newborn, with both normal and abnormal findings.
Or custom-designed courses with your protocols and procedures in mind, such as:
Baby Boot-Camp
An interactive 4.5-hour long session that focuses on the clinical knowledge required of all staff caring for the newborn. Didactic and lots of hands-on stations enables your staff to practice the skills needed to provide immediate care to sick newborn. The course begins with an overview of Gestational Age Assessment & Thermoregulation, continues with IV Therapy & Fluid Management, Common Newborn Infections & Antibiotic Therapy, and ends with Respiratory Distress & Oxygen Administration. Blood Gas Interpretation is also available.
IV Therapy and Fluid Management
One-hour long course. Review of fluid needs of the newborn, including calculation and fluid types. Equipment preparation, newborn vein selection, and IV insertion and securing utilizing newborn manikin.
Respiratory Distress & Oxygen Administration
Review of respiratory distress in the newborn, signs, symptoms, and timing of onset to assist in determining the cause of respiratory distress. Oxygen delivery and modes of respiratory support will also be discussed. Blood Gas Interpretation - Review of acid/base balance, interpreting the blood gas, and discussion of clinical interventions. Add 45 mins to the Respiratory Distress Course.
Newborn Infections & Antibiotic Therapy
One-hour long course. Review of the most common newborn infections, signs and symptoms of neonatal sepsis, labs and tests to obtain, calculation of ANC and I: T ratio and antibiotic therapy choices, and clinical drug reference options.
Newborn Hypoglycemia
This is a 1-hour long course that identifies at-risk newborns, signs and symptoms of newborn hypoglycemia, and treatment based on your protocols.
Other Courses available at your request